Going Gray Gracefully 3

Going Gray Gracefully 3

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Say it with us: “Grey” is not a four-letter word.

While there’s no shame in covering your grey hairs, there’s certainly no shame in flaunting them proudly, either!

Like it or not, grey hair is an inevitability. You might not see your first silver strand until you’re well into your 30s, or it might unexpectedly pop up while you’re still a teen. Since preventing grey hair isn’t an option — you can’t stop Mother Nature, after all — all you can do is decide how you want to handle your greys.

Depending on your hair color and type, you might want to cover your greys instead of letting them grow in, and we get it! Making the full transition can definitely feel daunting. But if you’re ready, good news: There’s no shortage of ways to deal with your natural grey hair.

To get the lowdown on how to go grey, we talked to an expert: Hairstory ambassador Whitney Lichty, aka Silver Strands of Glitter, who’s been giving us major hair envy since October 2019.

So, why’d she decide to ditch the dye and embrace her greys?

“My decision to grow my natural hair color started way before I stopped dying my hair,” says Whitney. “I spent years thinking about it, researching it, and trying to understand the reasons behind why I felt the need to color my hair for so long.

When I finally started my journey, one of the biggest supporters, aside from my husband, has been the community that I found on Instagram—not only growing and documenting their natural hair color but embracing it, embracing aging, and encouraging self-love. My hope was that I could give that same kind of encouragement to others.”

What’s the Best Way to Transition to Gray Hair?

Going grey gracefully can be a delicate matter because it’s not a one-size-fits-all process. Once the first greys start appearing, there’s no way of knowing how quickly the others will follow suit. It could take decades for your hair to go totally grey, or just a few years. There are exceptions, of course, but while a condition like poliosis or extreme trauma can cause your hair to suddenly turn white, you’re more likely to come out of it with a streak like Rogue from X-Men, rather than fully white hair like Storm.

So when it comes to transitioning to grey hair, there’s no one way to do it. There are all sorts of factors to consider, including your natural color, hair type, and how much of your hair is already grey.

“There are many ways that you can transition your hair,” says Whitney, “including having your hair dyed to match your roots, adding lowlights or highlights to help with the line of demarcation [i.e. the line where your pigment meets the greys], cutting your hair short, or simply letting your natural hair color grow out.”

Her advice? “Meet with a trusted stylist and come up with a plan that will work for you and your hair.”

Here are a few of the options you might consider:

Option 1: Dying Your Hair to Match Your Roots

For the most part, this approach will be simpler the lighter your hair is. Blondes generally have an easier time dying their hair, in part because they don’t have to bleach it first the way those with brown or black hair often do before coloring it.

No matter the color, though, dying hair that’s already been dyed can be particularly tricky because that color will have to be stripped before the grey dye can be applied. With a little patience, though, any shade of hair can be dyed grey — you just need the right colorist.

First, though, ask yourself this: Is the reason you’re considering this route because you’re sick of the upkeep that goes along with covering your greys, and you think this is a sort of one-and-done option? If so, keep in mind that there is a certain level of maintenance involved with caring for hair that’s been dyed grey.

For instance, lighter shades of grey hair dye tend to fade faster than darker shades, so you’ll have to spend more time and money on maintaining the look. As for how often you can dye your hair, it really depends on how your hair responds to the dye. Washing your hair less often (and using silver, blue, or purple shampoo when you do), limiting heat styling, and using a heat protectant like Hairstory Dressed Up Hair Protector will help keep the dye from fading too quickly.

Option 2: Adding Lowlights or Highlights

This option is similar to the above, but it’s not as much of a commitment and allows you to keep your pre-grey color longer by creating a softer contrast between your pigmented hair and your grey hair.

If you have fully grey roots, you can also talk to your colorist about giving your hair an ombre effect to soften the transition between the roots and your pigmented hair.

Option 3: Cutting Your Hair Short

If you have a distinct line of demarcation, lobbing off all the hair below it is by far the easiest method for transitioning to grey hair. Search for images of pixie haircuts, or try pinning your hair up to give yourself an idea of what it’ll look like short.

Option 4: Letting the Greys Grow Out

Of course, you might not be ready for a big cut like that, especially if you’re used to having long hair. Letting your new natural color come in is another easy way to go grey, though this can be frustrating depending on how fast your hair grows. You also might not love the way it looks if your once dark hair is slowly growing in a light, silvery grey. If your line of demarcation is particularly pronounced, though, there’s a super simple way to camouflage it.

“Playing with different hairstyles while you are growing out your hair can help you find different styles that are better at disguising your line of demarcation if you are feeling self-conscious, or help you show off your silvers if you are feeling confident,” says Whitney.

Ways to Style Grey Hair

As for dealing with what can feel like an excruciating wait for your greys to grow long enough, Whitney has some great advice for that as well.

“Take pictures!” she says. “When you are dying your hair, it can feel like your roots show up after one week, but when you are purposefully growing out your roots time can feel like it’s at a standstill. There were months when I wasn’t even sure my hair was growing at all. Documenting your grow-out can be a great visual representation along the way.”

You could even take a page out of her book and post your journey to Instagram, where there are plenty of other people transitioning to grey hair!

Maintaining Your Grey Hair

In the long run, letting your hair go grey will save you both time and money, but it’s still hair that you need to take care of, and it comes with its own set of special requirements.

Managing New Textures

When hair turns grey, the texture often changes, which means you might need to rework your haircare routine.Silver Strands of Glitter Grey Hair Styling

“Managing the changing texture of your gray hair will mean something different for each individual,” says Whitney. “Part of this gray hair journey, for me, has been embracing the texture that has come with it. My gray hair is dry and is growing in a bit unruly. I make sure to deep condition weekly to keep it moisturized and help fight some of the frizz.”

While grey hair texture does vary from person to person, one thing you can almost certainly count on is having drier hair. Cut back on regular shampoos, which often contain harsh chemicals and detergents, and try a shampoo-alternative like Hairstory New Wash or New Wash Rich. They both help combat dryness and maintain hydration.

Adding products like Hairstory Hair Balm, Dressed Up Hair Protector, and Undressed Texturizing Spray into your styling product rotation will also help keep hair moisturized.

Braving the Elements

As hair loses its pigment, it becomes more porous, and therefore more prone to absorbing pollutants and hair discoloring agents, such as:

  • Impure air
  • Smoky environments
  • Shampoos with artificial colorants

One of the easiest ways to protect your hair from things like smoke and pollution is by wearing a head covering, like a hat or a scarf, when you go outside. If you notice poor air quality taking a toll on your hair, wash it regularly with a gentle cleanser.Natural Grey Hair

Going Grey Gracefully FAQs:

Do I Need to Revamp My Look?

As you go grey, you might wonder if you need to start adding more color into your makeup routine or wardrobe now that your hair isn’t bringing any. According to Whitney, it’s entirely up to you.

“I personally have not changed a single thing about my makeup since going gray,” she says. “I have had conversations with women who feel washed out with gray hair, which is easy to understand when you have spent years with your face framed with color just to have that color replaced with a cooler, more muted shade.

If this is the case, adding a pop of color like a brighter lip gloss or blush can be an easy and great way to bring some additional color to your face.”

How Do I Know I’ll Look Great With Grey Hair — And Not Just Older?

To be totally honest, there’s no way of knowing what your grey hair will look like until you start growing it out, and even then it’ll take some time before you have enough length to get a decent idea. Your top layers might come in a much lighter gray than your bottom layers, or you might notice a lot of your hair coming in a darker gray with light gray streaks. Much like curl patterns, your grey pattern will be unique to you.

Not knowing what your hair will look like can make the thought of going grey even more intimidating, and we certainly won’t judge you if you aren’t quite ready to take the plunge. However, it’s important to think about why exactly you’re so hesitant to do so.

It’s no secret that grey hair signifies getting older, something that’s unfortunately not always embraced in our society. Wanting to hide grey hair is usually a result of wanting to appear young — which is understandable. But, as Whitney puts it, “Growing out your natural hair color is about being unapologetically yourself. It’s about respecting, valuing, and loving yourself for more than your appearance.”

And if you are finally ready to do so and you get some not-so-nice feedback from friends or family, Whitney has the perfect response: “Thanks for your opinion, but what makes you happy is not what makes me happy.”

To Grey or Not to Grey?

That’s really what it comes down to — what makes you happiest, whether it’s covering up your greys or fully accepting them.

“Though not everyone’s experience is the same, it has been a great transition for me thus far,” says Whitney. “Growing my gray hair out has only increased my confidence, my self-love, my self-respect, and my empathy. My intent is never to make anyone feel bad for dying their hair or to convince anyone that they need to grow out their natural hair color, but rather that they have a choice.”

Her final words of wisdom? “My encouragement would be to give it a try. You never know, you might just fall in love with your natural hair color!”